Tattoo Supplies And Safety

Why Tattoo Supplies Matter When It Comes To Getting Inked Safely

High quality tattoo supplies are an essential and if you think that keeping safe when you are getting tattooed is not an issue, you may find that you end up with more than just the design you are having etched on your body.

Many people do not understand that tattoo supplies can make the difference between staying healthy and ending up getting sick. Here is a look at why it matters what kind of condition the equipment being used is in.

tattoo supplies
Poor quality equipment and hygiene can be dangerous

Many people do not think that they need to go to licensed parlors, or even that licenses are needed to keep themselves safe. The fact is that tattooing, like piercing, can be quite safe but only if you are dealing with someone who looks after their equipment properly.

You want to make sure that there is no chance that your bodily fluids (including both sweat and blood) cannot be passed from you to the person coming after you. You also want to make sure that the person ahead of you has not left something behind that you can pick up.

Sterilizing the equipment is best done through the use of an autoclave. Many people think that boiling it, or wiping it down with disinfectant is enough, but this is simply not the case.

Viruses and bacteria are becoming increasingly resilient to many disinfectants but by heating them to a very high temperature and maintaining that heat for a specified period of time, an autoclave ensures that you will not end up getting sick.

One thing that makes many people leery of getting tattooed is the use of needles. Tattoo needles are unlike any others because many of them have more than one point. They can be quite expensive to purchase or replace so many tattoo parlors end up reusing them.

This is acceptable but they need to be properly cleaned and sterilized using an autoclave. Look for needles that have been individually wrapped and which are taken out of their wrappers immediately before use. Also look for signs that they are being handled correctly.

Ink can also be contaminated by germs. Unfortunately, they come in very large bottles that can be used on a large number of people. This is not a problem unless the tattoo artist dips a dirty needle into the main container of ink.

Always look for the tattoo artist to pour out a portion of the ink that will be used into a paper cup or other receptacle. Also look for that ink to be poured out or thrown away rather than being reintroduced back into the original package.

Tattoo machines or “guns” can also be treated so that they are as clean and safe as possible. Look for a machine that uses metal parts that can be sterilized if necessary.

If it is wrapped in plastic before each use, this can be a sign that the tattoo artist cares about their clients and their equipment.

Also look for drapes, wipes and gloves that look medical in nature. This can help you from getting sick or for passing on what you have to any other clients. Gloves, drapes and other items can prevent the spread of disease as effectively as possible.