An Introduction To Effective SEO

SEO Introduction

Before you start to make changes to your website SEO, first you need to know if your site has been hit by Google Panda or Penguin. If you look at your traffic statistics, you will see a significant traffic drop on or around the 24th April 2012 if Penguin is the cause.

Usually the SERP’s results show the largest drops for the search terms linked to the most. We use the free back-link analysis tool at to see which search terms are being used in anchor text.

The most important search engine optimization factors that you need to concentrate on going forwards are these;


Anchor text density requirements dropped overnight and today you need the highest for any keyword to be 5% or lower. The bulk of your link anchor text should be URL links, brand links or junk links.

Brand links are variations of either your website name or registered company name. URL links ought to be mixed up instead of using the same URL to link to for all links.

Links that come from various IP addresses are more beneficial to your rankings than in the past. Building inbound links on themed sites that have similar content topics to you will help more than ever before.

Look for sites with a good trust score and don’t ask for links on low trust score domains. Look for pages that already have back-links pointing to them because Google Penguin likes pages with existing quality back-links.

Use of Link Farms

It is best to avoid automated link networks because Google doesn’t like site owners using them and at some point you’ll be penalized for making use of them.

It will make absolutely no difference how great your content and web design are, or what other internet marketing activities you are doing if you get penalised for using a link network to try to cheat Googles ranking system.

The key is to build high quality backlinks from relevant, Google friendly websites, pointing to your content pages – If you don’t know where to start with your link building strategy, ask Deeho to help.

On-Page SEO for Google Panda

Your primary search term keyword density on each page should not exceed 2 -3%. A link from your content to an authority .gov or .edu site will help your search engine rankings.

It is quite common to see website owners try too hard by using their most important keywords far too often. For more information follow one of the top ranking SEO tutorial providers as they offer more in depth information on each of the most important metrics than we can manage here.

Your Content

High-quality content is king. It also needs to be unique, and produced to a high standard. Building links from within your content using text keywords is good SEO practice. Use to create quality backlinks for you.

You can link either to other pages within your own site or link externally to trusted ‘authority’ resources.

Good content will aid your web design and site authority which not only helps your search engine optimisation, but your other internet marketing activities, social media marketing, Pay per click campaigns and viral marketing too.

Images and Graphics

Use images where you can to break up any large blocks of the content. A picture truly does tell a thousand words, so use them to get your message across. Videos are useful too and also are very effective to increase the time that your online visitors spend on your pages.

Every image on your pages needs to have relevant alt text that describes the picture using a variation of a suitable keyword where necessary.

It is possible for Google to analyze your site content and assess its reading age. Google will be able to tell if you are a professor or a child, so always spell check new content and re-read it thoroughly for grammatical errors if you want to successfully climb online and dominate Google.

Our research indicates that there is an advantage to be had for writing over 500 words of quality content.

If real people like your content and engage with it, spending time on your site, then Google, Bing and Yahoo will reward you with better rankings. Writing purely for search engines like google is very 2007! Assuming your website is easy to navigate and is search engine friendly, using responsive website design Agency CRWD to allow all users to access your content regardless of their devices.

Google can tie related words together using latent semantic indexing (LSI) so that instead of repeating your most important keywords throughout your page content you can include different words that mean the same thing and your content will have a much more natural style.

Engagement helps everything from your organic search rankings to your Adwords traffic so driving visitors through Twitter & Facebook marketing will have a positive effect on your whole sites performance online.

How to Use Meta Tags

You need to add bespoke meta data tags to each page of your site. If pages have the same meta-tags on several pages then you will be penalized in SERP’s. The purpose of your meta description tag is to get potential visitors to click through from search results to your site. Write compelling description tags to improve your website’s user experience.

How Visitors Engage with Your Content

Google measures the load speed of all the websites in its index. If your content loads too slowly then you will be demoted in Google’s results. The bounce rate for your site is an indication of how many visitors engage with your site content rather than hitting the back button when they arrive.

Work to reduce your bounce rate to be less than 55%. Your website visitors should ideally stay to read your content. Those that leave instantly contribute to your site ‘bounce rate’ which must be less than 55% for Google Panda.

Average Visit Duration

You should do all you can to increase the average page views per visitor statistic because Google uses this as an important indicator of the quality of your websites content.

If your visitors remain on your sites pages for a long time then Google rewards you for providing quality content. Try to extend the average time on site as much as you can.

Search for a high ranking Google SEO tutorials on for more in depth guidance on each of the elements above.